The Aquinas Visiting Scholar Program invites scholars from around the world to spend a period of time in research and writing, conference participation and public lecturing at the Dominican Institute of Toronto.
The Institute for Research on Vatican II in Canada was founded in 2012 at the University of St. Michael’s College through the generous assistance of the Dominican Institute of Toronto.
Workshops are offered to clergy and pastoral teams on the lectionary covering a given period of the liturgical year. Workshops are given by competent experts in the field of scripture and liturgy.
By: Susan K. Wood, SCL Last Sunday, the Third Sunday in Ordinary Time, we had Word of God Sunday. This week’s readings continue with the theme of listening and speaking, this time the word of God mediated through prophetic speech. In the first reading from Deuteronomy the people don’t want to hear the word...Read More
By: Darren Dias, OP Jesus’ first words in Mark’s Gospel account: “The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God has come near; repent and believe the Gospel.” A lection of firsts: Jesus’ first words, his first disciples, a first day on the job (we will hear more about this day in the weeks...Read More
By: Gustav Ineza, OP Today the Church celebrates the Epiphany of Our Lord. The word epiphany, from the Greek Ἐπιφάνεια, epiphaneia, means “manifestation”, “obvious appearance”, “revelation”, etc. So, today we celebrate God’s revelation to the world, beyond Israel. Revelation: we are used to this word in our church. We say that God reveals...Read More
“It is open! congratulations” “Akemasite, omedetoo gozaimasu”. This is the expression with which the Japanese welcome the New Year. No resentment towards the one that has just passed. No excessive expectations of the one who is unforlding. No relief, no great expectations. It is not asked to be a normal year, nor does it have...Read More
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