A Temple for a Complex World: The University in Search of Catholicity

A Temple for a Complex World: The University in Search of Catholicity
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Easter VI, 2021

By: Daniel Cadrin, OP Last week, with the Gospel according to John, we heard about branches, fruit, abiding, about connectedness and unity. It is still there today but through a language focused on relationships. Relations between Christ and the Father, between Christ and us, and relations between us, his disciples. They are all connected and seek to draw us closer to the mystery of God, of Christ and of ourselves. Three aspects stand out in this Sunday’s gospel: friendship, mission and giving one’s life. Jesus, who is the Master and the Lord, sees his relationship with his disciples as a...
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Easter II, 2021

By: Carla M. Thomas, OP   Christ is risen! This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. Alleluia!   Sisters and brothers, today we celebrate the octave day of Easter. So great was the mystery of that day of resurrection 2000 years ago that Easter Sunday in our church lasts not just one or two days but for an entire week. Over the past seven days the daily lectionary readings returned us over and over again to events surrounding the empty tomb. We listened to Matthew and John as they told...
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Palm Sunday 2021

By: Andrea Di Giovanni, OP   In the late 80s and early 90s “3D Dot Pictures” (officially called “autostereograms”) popped up in malls and office waiting rooms. They were both intriguing and frustrating because in order to see the hidden 3D image, you had to adjust your eyes so that, in effect, you were gazing through the 2D image, rather than at it. What made the experience so marvellous was suddenness with which the embedded image would appear, and that once you had seen it your perception of the entire picture was completely altered. I was thinking about this interactive...
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Lent V, 2021

By: Michel Côté, OP   When I put my name down as preacher for today, I thought : “O BOY! 5th Sunday of Lent! Development and Peace…. Lazarus or the alledged adulterous woman! Great topics. Lazarus on how Jesus frees and liberates a man from death and from bonds that tie up the body. And the woman about to be stoned, on how Jesus shows extreme compassion and promotes the spirit over the letter of the Law and liberates her. But then I discovered that they were for the year A and C – last year and next year. This...
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