Thierry-Marie Courau OP served as Dean of Theology (2011-2017) and Director of Institute of Theology and Science of Religions (2008-2011) at the Catholic University of Paris (Institut Catholique de Paris). He chaired the Conference of Catholic Theological Institutions (International Federation of Catholic Universities, 2011-2016). He currently serves as President of the International Journal of Theology – Concilium. His research fields are on Indo-Tibetan Buddhism and systematic theology through problematics on cultural encounter. He is a member of its Interreligious Dialogue Commission of the French Bishops Conference, and in charge of the Buddhist Dialogue. Pr. Dr. Courau’s most recent book is Le salut comme dia-logue. De saint Paul VI à François (Paris, Cerf, 2018). He has just directed the first 2019Concilium issue on Religion and populism.