Visiting Scholars: 2017-2018

Photograph of Dr. Idara Out

Dr. Idara Otu is a Catholic theologian and member of the Missionary Society of St. Paul. He received his doctorate in Systematic Theology from the University of St. Michael’s College, Toronto, Canada with a thesis focusing on Vatican II ecclesiology and social transformation. He also holds a Bachelor of Sacred Theology from the Pontifical Urban University, Rome, as well as a master’s degree and licentiate in Systematic Theology from Regis College, the Jesuit School of Theology at the University of Toronto, Canada.

His published works include a chapter in the 2016 book, Christianity and Culture Collision: Particularities and Trends from a Global South, and peer-reviewed journal articles on ecotheology, ecclesiology, interfaith dialogue, and Catholic social doctrine.

His current research focuses on articulating a theology of social transformation and missional praxis for African Catholicism.